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Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов
A B C D E F J H I j K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
half gross hand
hand made hand to-mouth
hand work hand-to-mouth buying
handbook handicraft
handicraft industry handing agent
handle handle the credit
handling handling agent
handling capacity handling charge
handling equipment handling time
hands wanted harbour accommodation
harbour authorities hard
hard cash hard credits
hard currency hard labour
hard lending hard money
hard works hard-core
hard-core developing countries hard-core unemployment
hard-ware hardware
hardware cost hardware costs
harmonizing the interests hauling costss
have money on loan hazard
head head of a family
head office head quarters
head tax head workman
head-quarters heading
health health centers
health certificate health education
health facilities health hazard
health hazards health insurance
health protection health service
health statistics heaviness
heavy heavy casualties
heavy crop heavy debts
heavy duties heavy duty
heavy duty equipment heavy duty machine
heavy engineering heavy expenses
heavy fuel heavy industry
heavy loss heavy market
heavy order heavy repair
heavy service heavy taxes
heavy traffic hedge
hedge against contingencies hedge patents
hedging patents hidden
hidden costs hidden inflation
hidden profit hidden reserve
hidden unemployment high
high capacity machine high capital cost
high capital costs high cost of money
high credit high efficiency
high employment budget high employment economy
high farming high finance
high finish high finish goods
high grade merchandise product high living
high money high office
high power high pressure economy
high pressured high priced labour
high quality high season
high speed computer high speed of operation
high speed repair high-demand policy
high-geared wage system high-investment economy
high-level high-powered money
high-speed computer high-speed operation
high-waste higher profit crops
highest bidder highly package transfer
hire hire money
hire purchase hire-purchase
hire-purchase sale hired
hired labour hired man
hiring hiring hall
historical costs historical data
historical prices historical series
hoard hoarding
hold holder
holder in due course holder of technology
holding holding and maintaining costs of stocks
holding capacity holding company
holding of more than one profession holdings
holiday holiday pay
holiday-maker holidays with pay
holidays without pay home economics
home industry home market
home office home produce
home rule home-made
home-work horizontal
horizontal agreement horizontal bar chart
horizontal expansion horizontal integration
horizontal transfer horse-power
Horticultural and Forestry Industry Training board hospitality allowance
hospitality costss hospitality expenditures
hospitalization insurance hot money movements
hotel reservation hourly
hourly earnings hourly expensess
hourly pay hourly wage rates
hours hours of attendance
hours of exchange hours paid for
hours worked house
house day house keeper
house organ house-keeping
house-keeping expensess house-to-~ selling
housebuilder household
household appliances household assets(s)s
household budget household consumption expenditures
household durable goods household durables
household establishment household expenditures
household goods household machinery
household operation household output
household production household requirements
household saving household sector
household statistics housing
housing accommodation housing accommodations
housing census housing construction
housing development housing estate
housing space housing starts
housing statistics housing stock
housing unit human
human and social sciences human capital
human capital formation human engineering
human labour human organization
human relations human-consumers
human-producers husbandry
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