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Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов
A B C D E F J H I j K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
job job age
job applicants job applicants screening
job assignment job class
job classification job content
job creation job evaluation
job evaluation manual job family
job instruction job lot
job lot production job market
job offer/seeker ratio job opportunities
job opportunitys job order
job pattern job placement
job price job security
job seeker job shop
job specification job specifications
job vacancies job vacancys
jobber jobbery
jobbing jobbing plant
jobbing shop join
joined demand joining
joint joint account
joint action joint adventure
joint agreement joint bonds
joint council joint demand
joint Economic Committee of the U. S. Congress joint firm
joint float bottom joint float ceiling
joint float of currencies joint float of currencys
joint floor bottom joint liability
joint management joint marketing arrangements
joint marketing ventures joint owner
joint products joint proprietor
joint return joint stock capital
joint stock company joint traffic
joint venture joint ventures
joint-stock bank junior
junior employee juniorpartner
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